“It’s possible to win a little at sports if you don’t do much data work, but it’s impossible to win a lot without diving deeply into the data.” - Ed Miller + Matthew Davidow, The Logic of Sports Betting

Hope Is Not A Strategy

BTB Analytics is a sports analytics service that leverages the use of historical data and statistical methods to identify and quantify edges in the marketplace. Specifically, we have developed models that uses methods of regression and prediction intervals (Link here for explanation) to quantify edges week to week.

Our goal and mission is to use Real-World Data methods that challenge the traditional capper (“gut feeling”, “locks” and “leans”) culture of sports betting, and inject thoughtful and meaningful value into the community. This will be through providing model-based predictions each week as well as education around the methodology that true professionals use to quantify edges.

We want to create a community that can follow the story of our models and show you its value. We will be 100% transparent about methods and provide clear information on the picks we provide. We will track ALL bets (yes, even losers).

Please follow us on our journey on all major platforms (links below).